Suggestions Requested: Preserving the Traditions of the Nomadic Blacksmiths of India

Good afternoon,

Hope you are doing well!
Without having a Saviour Complex, how best to preserve the traditions of the Nomadic Blacksmiths of India?
In the past, they used to move from town to town, setting up temporary residence, fixing tools, metal objects, converting junk iron into knives, pots and pans, tools and getting paid in return.

Since this is not at all lucrative (and a nomadic lifestyle implies no government services and benefits including education, medical care, food subsidies, etc.), the younger generation is understandably not interested in continuing this tradition.

One suggestion is that they teach their skills to those interested in learning and paying them (Hacker Tourism), anyone interested, please put down your thoughts and suggestions. Maybe the process to make Damascus steel (a lost art) can be rediscovered?

Depending on the interest of volunteers, this can be extended to other places such as the Pamirs (Roof of the World) in Afghanistan and other traditional nomadic craftsmen, etc.

Thank you for your time!

RK, aka Rebel without Clause

While there may remain some arguments about how specific patterns in wootz Damascus steel were created, enough is known that new blades have been made.

Damascus Steel - Materials Engineering - Purdue University.