Sewing Clearout Poll

The last time I posted about sewing machines, I didn’t do a proper poll, so I’m posting again.

We have 6 domestic sewing machines, which seems like more than we need. I would like to get rid of the 2 broken ones. I’m also interested in knowing how many people actually use or want to use the sergers. We have 3 of them, but that might be more than necessary.

(For reference: tool:sewing_machines [Vancouver Hack Space])

Singer 656G

  • I will fix it
  • We should sell or donate it
  • I want it
  • I think we should keep it but I can’t fix it
0 voters

Kenmore Ultrastitch 12

  • I will fix it
  • We should sell or donate it
  • I want it
  • I think we should keep it but I can’t fix it
0 voters

Sergers (bonus question)

  • I use the sergers
  • I want to learn to use the sergers
  • Sergers scare me
  • What’s a serger?
0 voters

One of the sergers is mine, on loan to vhs

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