Request from visitor to buy Canadian Amateur Radio Basic Qualification Study Guide

Hi @toptekkie,

This request was posted to the VHS PR area. I wasn’t aware that we sell manuals, could you follow up with Eoghan? - Eoghan Moriarty
Message Body:

I am coming to your open house in Tuesday and wanted to reserve 1 of the copies of the Canadian Amateur Radio Basic Qualification Study Guide for purchase. I am taking the course at Vector and writing the ecam next Saturday.


This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Vancouver Hack Space (Home - Vancouver Hack Space)

@Andrew_Hendriks - This is a result of me lecturing part of the course at Vector this morning.
I do have 2 surplus 8th Edition books from the last course at VHS.
I offered to sell them @ the original amount of $50 - of which 10% ($5) will go to donatio at vhs

The next course we offer will use the 9th edition which is now in print.