Radio Question: How to listen in on the fire dept?

I live fairly close to Burnaby Mountain, and I’m curious about listening in on any future fires that flare up in the area.

Does anybody know what frequencies ( and other settings ) I could use to listen in on dispatch or the tactical channels?

I’ll admit: I’m partially concerned that without cable TV I might miss some important developments regarding any local fires. Does anybody have any good resources ( Twitter feeds, websites, anything ) that can keep me up-to-date on any fires in the Lower Mainland I should be aware of?

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ScanBC Twitter feed

Your best bet is via net:

However Burnaby Fire doesn’t seem to be covered…

As far as I know most lower mainland EMS have moved over to Ecomm and use a digitally encrypted system. However quite a few fire departments rebroadcast un-encrypted but I think they still frequency hop so you need a decent scanner (and possible a PC to be able to put the parts together). I believe this is how the web site above gets its feeds…

The ScanBC twitter feed @hectorh listed is good and I would think Burnaby Fire would have their own…

The VHS radio guys probably know more (or can point out if I am incorrect)…

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