Hey Team,
Finished installing VHS ARC’s new antenna for them last night and snapped some photos. Pretty clean install.
Hey Team,
Finished installing VHS ARC’s new antenna for them last night and snapped some photos. Pretty clean install.
I’m curious about the install and would like to see the pics but then link-fail.
Google tells be my IP address is not authorized to view those links.
Wow, great! Thanks Thomas!
Getting the following error from Google when trying to view the pics
403 Forbidden.
Aaaaaand I’m a dupe.
nice job.
Fantastic - when oscillating it will enable us now to propagate at really low shared frequency bands!
Does any one know the impedance on the line when under load?
I’m also curious about the maximum amplitude.
Looks good! Cant wait to try it out.
This is a project I can really get behind.