[POLL] where to mount 8 foot LED fixtures

We have 2 of these dimmable LED fixtures. The colour temperature is quite nice.

Where should we hang them?

  • Above main tables
  • Cnc area
  • Laser area
  • Paint & mess room
  • Other (state below)
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One suggestion…above the cutting table would provide good light for people working with fabric which is often important re colour and detail. My other equal suggestion would be paint and mess room. I’m not sure what the light is like in there


My garage? LOL

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cnc area would be nice, and I second Janet’s suggestion over the craft table. Also potentially in one of the dark rooms at the back


I think cutting table or mess room is best idea

I’d support the cutting table as well.

Cool. I’ll try to mount both of them above the cutting table in the next week or two.

Can we add a third light above the couch area? And add a dimmer if people want it dark still? It’s pretty dark in there.

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That’s a good point, since these are dimmable. Do you have a third light available? If not, I’ll put one above the craft table and one in the lounge area.

Meow. i have 2 more. I vote for one for @steveroy 's garage too.

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I second the installation of dimmers for kitties and humans who sometimes are met with too much light, but still want some.

Hey Hackspace, change the light scene to ‘Happy Nighttime Hacker’



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