PLEASE DONATE $ to Support VHS During the Culture Crawl

Hey everyone.

Please help VHS by donating some cash in order to provide everyone working the crawl with hot drinks and snacks this weekend. Read on to see why your help is very much needed!

During the culture crawl over 1000 people will flow through the doors of VHS!!!

The people that make that possible - our artists and volunteers will be working hard for the entire weekend. They will be:

  • promoting VHS to potential new members (and have paid artists fees to participate in the crawl which VHS benefits from)
  • talking for 4 days straight
  • giving tours
  • cleaning the space
  • doing security
  • counting visitors for fire-code reasons
  • cleaning bathrooms multiple times
  • and more!

This is huge amount of work and we need to keep people:

  • hydrated and caffeinated
  • fed with healthy snacks
  • sustained for 4 days

The goal is to raise any amount up to $350 (~4bux per person per day)
It will provide coffee, tea, and healthy snacks for about 20 artists and volunteers per day from thursday to sunday (4 days).

Why donate?
If you can’t volunteer or help clean this is a great way to support the VHS community. Any leftover funds or coffee/tea/snacks will remain at VHS for community use.

How to donate:

STEP 1. State the amount you are donating here in this thread,
STEP 2: ETF $ to or put cash in the VHS donation box

Thank you! Any donation is very much appreciated.


I pledge $20 and have sent funds to directors by email. I’ll also be coordinating this and picking up the costco order and donating use of my costco membership as well as an evo to pick everything up.


$30 sent to!


Personally I think VHS should spend the monies to support this.

The crawl is the biggest opportunity for VHS to find new members.

Lets do it right and keep all the volunteers and artist energized!

ohh sneak some unhealthy snax in for me! :joy:


Glad to be able to support the great artists at vanhack with 20


the board will also cover 250bux. Thanks for that.