Do you want to learn to turn thing on the wood lathe? Make a fancy gift just in time for x-mas?
Then here is the workshop for you.
I’m going to try out running a pen making workshop for the 2nd of December. This will be beginner friendly and make use of the wood lathe but will touch on the bandsaw and the slow bench grinder a bit as well.
The workshop will be split into two portions, both on the same day.
-In the first half will cover safety, parts of the lathe, tools and accessories, sharpening the tools, and basic turning
-The second half will focus on pen making, prepping the blanks, turning, finishing, and assembly.
The full workshop should only take 3-4 hours and you will come out of it with a fancy pen and lathe training so you can continue making pens and more!
For now I am keeping things simple and just planning the one workshop for Saturday December 2nd 2023, with only 2 open spots (first come first serve)
$100 for all, open only to VHS members for the first one, if it goes well then I may run more with different pricing for non-members.
Where the money goes: $50 will be donated back into the hack space, the other $50 will go towards the pen kit, materials, and my time.
If you are interested please contact me on Slack as I check that more regularly.