PCB Verification?

I’ve been working on a wearable project, and have had several versions created already. I’m self-taught with pcb making, and have been doing it mostly in kicad.

This version of the board is my most complicated so far, and lays the groundwork for several steps in the future, so I’m wondering how I go about getting someone with expertise to validate the board layout and those kinds of things, to minimize the potential for costly mistakes. And what kind of prices should I be expecting for such a service?

Thanks very much!

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Is it open source? If so, you could post it up on Slack in #circuit-board-design and a bunch of people would willingly weigh in, probably.

Worth noting that no one, paid or not, would be able to guarantee correct operation without building it


Oh, I’m not looking for a guarantee with this, that’s why I said “minimize the potential for costly mistakes”, LOL. Just so it’s clear.

I’m looking to open source it, but not actually sure anymore where to post it. I have a github I could put it on, but the secret co-pilot stuff was kinda scummy. I’m also not a member just an orbiter, so I"m not on slack.
