Patent writing course if people are interested

I do all the writing and amendments myself. And only hire a lawyer for the submission as required. I would say it cost me about $10,000 over 5yrs world wide to complete a patent filing. Using a lawyer a world wide filing would probably take $80,000
For Canada and the United States I probably spend about $2,000 over 3ys to complete a patent filing.
Using a lawyer to review your work, even with you doing the drawings and description will be in the $20,000 area.

I break down the process and how I create a patent that will be accepted with near 100% certainty. I am able to do this because I understand the process and I am able to frame the patent content.

I am willing to provide a group training session. I do not have time to provide individualized training.
This is many hours of preparation work. I am willing to this for a small fee, let’s say $35 per person. I hope to provide a linked book included in that cost.
This would be a 2hr training session.
A lot of material to cover, I would be following a pdf book and example patents people, people would be expected to review prior and reference after.

The goal is to provide the foundations necessary rather than cover any step in detail.

This 2hr training will include a

  • complete breakdown of the patent structure. (which you need to understand to perform an effective search)

  • how to perform a patent search

  • how to think about claims

  • claim writing requirements from around the world

  • how to frame your patent around the claim requirements

  • how to create the drawings

  • how to write the description

  • how to write the prior art.
    YOU MUST get the basics correct.

  • how to use patent examiners to improve claims.

  • Finally, how to use your patent successfully.

20 - 40 people would be ideal.
Small businesses and University students may also be interested in this.

At VHS I am the one eye guy. Have been busy with life and its been a while.



Thank you! Great initiative Tim! Please count me in!
If you don’t mind, I will forward it to like minded groups.


Please feel welcome to share. I would prefer to have this before Christmas.
But flexible.

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Does Sunday morning (10 am to 12 noon), December 17th work?

After December 20th, many go on vacations/staycations/family & friends visits and may not attend.
If you create an Eventbrite/Paypal link (with the option of cash at the door for those who don’t like the anti-free speech and dictatorial ways of Evenbrite, Paypal, etc.), that would be great to post on message boards.

Please let me know if I can be of help, thanks!


Count me in!

What a great topic! I’ve had the chance to work on patents where lawyers did all the writing. Just the effort of explaining everything to them was massive.

Thank you,

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I’m interested! I can’t make Dec 17th (don’t worry about me though!)

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I would love to get this training. (Sorry i tried to spread the word by myself, I’m incompetent… but i’ll do my best)

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@Stefan @psicman @Rebel_without_Clause and others

I know it is a lot of work to write a successful patent.
But even if you have the money. You are the best person to write the patent about a topic you are the expert in. This is advice on where you need get expert advice. And what you should do yourself.

  • Start with a detail patent search. It is probably a good idea to have friend who is not an expert in the topic to also perform a patent search because they will include patents that you know clearly different from yours. But they are the patents a none expert would reference and they need to be included as well.

  • You will need someone to read over your work, preferably someone who is not fully familiar with the topic. This ensures that the patent is clear to a none expert, which is must be. And grammar and spelling errors are NOT acceptable.

  • You will need a lawyer or someone who is extremely experienced writing claims to finalise your claims.
    But you should understand how claims are written so that you draft the initial claims. Remember the purpose of the rest of the patent document is to support the claims. I will provide advice on how I write claims.

  • You will need a lawyer or someone who is extremely experienced with patent filing schedules to plan the patent filing process.

If you are writing a patent to learn how to write patents you of course have the option of passing on using a lawyer for all parts except where it is legally required by the patent authority.

Please share with maker spaces, and student groups.
It is possible we can’t get enough people together before Christmas.

Because I don’t want to discourage people.
I left the depression part to the end.

Even after developing the technology and filling a patent it is extremely difficult to be a technology innovator company in Canada.

Some of the reasons for that are

  • Access to scientific publications is behind paywalls. People build their innovation on the best technology they know. Without access unrestricted access to scientific publications there maybe innovation they are not aware of. Access to information is a constitutional right in Sweden. This open access to information is one of the reasons Sweden is ranked among one of the most innovative countries in the world.
  • Canada highly subsidises advanced professional degrees, but does very little to reward those who use their advanced training in Canada to benefit Canadian Companies. Singapore does not subsidises education instead rewards those who work in Singapore by providing qualified students studying advanced professional degrees with fully paid education. Students who work in Singapore have their education cost progressive forgiven in a few years. Those who decide to leave must pay the full cost of the education. Rewarding those who stay, getting reward on their investment. In Canada many of the most capable needed to grow the economy do not stay in Canada. Often easier to get investment and the access to the most capable outside of Canada.
  • In Canada some Universities have a great undergrad COOP system providing students needed work experience and companies needed motivated skilled staff. United States has work internship program for Graduate students. Without this work experience it is very difficult match Graduate students studies controlled by their professor with companies needs often direction studies slightly differently. On graduation Canadian Graduate students are very hard pressed to find employment matching their studies. And companies are very hard pressed to find Graduate students with studies matching their employment needs.
  • Only University Professor tied companies are assured a supply of fresh Graduate students with studies matching employment needs. Canada should extend COOP to graduate studies. These University technology startups are often to able to sustain growth in Canada after they become detached from Universities.

My plan is run as a Conservative Party Candidate in the next election to address education, housing, employment, issues. But the most important thing to be address is democratic accountability, because without it all the best plans will be undermined.

The reason I set the price to $35 is because that is about cost of a Conservative Party membership needed to select me as Conservative Candidate in the next election.

The patent class will not address any of these issues, simply because there is not time.
Writing a patent is the start to a greater end goal.

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Good afternoon Tim,

Great summary and the reasoning why!
This matches very well with the philosophy of my friend and mentor, the founder of the Point Roberts Community Workshop, Jack Lubzinski, who passed away at the young age of 98 in April 2021.

Canadian metrics lag behind most of the developed economies when it comes to policy infrastructure for innovation and manufacturing; the Canada of the 1960s fared much better. If a sufficient number of voters in Vancouver get to know your policy prescriptions through your blogs (why not Patent Writing workshops?), they would nominate you as the Conservative Party Candidate for Vancouver Central.

I can reach approximately 1000+ members of technical and allied interest groups, just a five percent interest is 50+ participants. If you wish that 2 hours are not sufficient, you may extend it to 4 - 6 hours.
The Right to Information needs to be codified in the law in the Charter of Rights.


I also would like to join, please let us know next year when it will happen.

While I despise writing patents almost as much as I despise patents themselves, I’d be interested in attending a workshop too. The hard part of patent writing for me is that there’s an expectation of the language which makes them pretty much unintelligible for me as the author, and IP lawyers speak that language fluently.

The agenda looks solid, but if it wasn’t already planned, I’d suggest also covering “first to file” (what it means and what countries it applies to) and “public disclosure” (mainly variations in grace periods around the world).

First to file actually falls under

claim writing requirements from around the world

I’d like to join too.

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