"Papercrafting for Rapid Prototyping" Workshop

Totally fun and highly recommended! Thanks for putting this on!

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I agree, I had a great time!

Thanks again @miststlkr!

For those interested, I just put together a quick “time lapse” of the helmet that you saw tonight to show how it was built using the technique you learned.



And it occurs to me that my torso was a great example of one of the points I made tonight about being able to change the model mid-production. In this series you’ll notice that initially I had the chest and abs as a single piece then cut off the abs once I saw the cardboard model.

curious to hear how the paper mache idea works out, @Majicj!

Thanks for organizing, it was great! What was the software that you mentioned for “unfolding” 3D models?

Sorry, I meant to put that in the writeup when I got home. Thanks for the reminder There are a few ways to do it and if you are working with 3d models, whatever you are using may actually be able to do it. Do a search for “unfold” or “export paper model” For example, “Blender export paper model”, and “solidworks unfold” both gave hits in google. The one we discussed last night, which is what I tend to use, is Pepakura Designer which uses the Acrobat business model: the viewer is free, but they charge for the designer. So if you are content using other people’s models, or unfolding in another program, then just pick up the free viewer. If you want to have a look at some other models that are out there, google “pepakura model” or “pdo model”

For example this site seems to offer all of the models needed to byuild a full War Machine (Iron Man) costume! for free* and Fierfek makes amazing models from the Star Wars universe. He recently moved some of his more impressive/complex models (can’t blame the guy, he puts a LOT of work into his models and they are simply amazing) behind a pay/subscription system but many of his older models are still free to use. I do believe he has left a full Stormtrooper and a full Boba Fett as well as various droids and other helmets as free to download which should keep you busy for a while if that piques your interest. I know I’ve seen a HALO website that had all the files to do a HALO costume and I’ve seen Iron Man files out there as well.

  • Never used this site, it is a random Google find while typing

I kind if like my mask the way it is :smile: If I was going to do it I might use some kind of spray ‘paint’ or ‘adhesive’ to ‘waterproof’ the mask first and then use paper mâché.

I think that is a good idea. maybe a clearcoat laquer done in very thin coats, perhaps?

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Here’s how to build a giant Kim Jong Un poly mask: http://austinpost.org/article/how-make-giant-kim-jong-un-head-halloween

It sounds exactly like what @miststlkr taught us on Monday. Apparently you can do the unfolding with 123Dmake, but it’s also Windows-only, and a bit buggy apparently.

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@3bien - good find. glad you were interested enough to look into it further!

Aw man. This is awesome. I have a million things to do today but all I want to do is make this…or a giant Vader head for Halloween.

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