Ozone generator Canadian Tire


I’m thinking this technology could remove some of the barriers to cycling as commuter transportation.
and also how much electric power could be saved in laundry (hot water)…

I just picked this up for $20 (on sale), with the initial idea of keeping my cycling/workout clothes fresh.
I’ve had it for 2 days now, and it does actually work, even with humidity levels in the 70-90% range in recent days. Apparently cheaper units use corona discharge which suffers in humidity > 60% whereas UV units are immune to the humidity.

What I’ve done is put the unit on high inside a plastic tub with some sweaty t-shirts etc and with a cardboard lid to keep the O3 inside as much as possible. Overnight the stink is mostly gone although it’s does leave a sterile/bland smell. That’s my observation so far. I’m hoping it will do even better when summer and dryer air returns …

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I must warn you that Ozone gas is very harmful to breath.

Yes. And these are being marketed as “air purifiers”.

I actually got the idea because a similar product is being marketed to
hunters to treat their clothes and make them less detectable
by their prey.
Theoretically you can have a system without any exposure to the gas,
if the closet is kept closed for longer than the lifetime of the gas (it breaks
down to O2 continuously).

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