Other move-related preparation

So a handful of selfless souls will look for a new space, which is great! But there are other things we need to consider. Here’s my (occasionally opinionated) list, in no particular order.

  • If we throw it out, we don’t have to pack and move it; surely there’s a goodly amount of stuff we could just purge?

  • We need packing materials at the bunker, and any early packing things up work will make life easier later.

  • Pallets and a pallet jack would be very useful. Again.

  • We should request that people with personal storage lockers clean them out by the end of November if they at all can manage it. I know we moved personal stuff last time and it wasn’t the end of the world, but taking care of your own stuff will make life just that little bit easier for people who actually end up shuffling large numbers of boxes around.

  • If we can’t get into a new space by mid-December, we’re going to need a storage locker for at least a short period of time. Maybe longer. Storage on Terminal is close, but there’s probably other good candidates too.


We’re surrounded by a whole bunch of self storage facilities, but it’s good to have a list up.
(Technically, Maple Leaf Storage - on Quebec/2nd - is probably closest.)

Storage places:

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What do people think of us doing a giant VHS garage sale to raise some money and get rid of surplus we are not using?


I like it.

could that be rolled into a SHHH?

Last time we moved there was an egress team (from old space) and an ingress team (prep new space).


  • box and pack everything for the move.
  • set by-whens for lockers empty, server shutdown, moving van rental, laser cutter moving, etc.


  • inspect & map
  • plan location of existing (and future?) VHS property in new space
  • test breakers, power supplies, lights, ventilation
  • paint, clean, build anything that can’t be done after gear moves in
  • unload, unpack, assemble, and organize
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Here are some move out todos.

  • we need to remove the rfid reader and fill the hole (pref asap)
  • we need to restore the old lock and take the schalge with us (the old lock is in the schlage box above the admin desk)

Re storage. We ahould talk to colab, I think they used containers. we might be able to find somewhere to put them for free.


And not to rain on anybody’s Santa’s Parade BUT it might be rather difficult to round up people to lend a helping hand for a move during Christmas/New Year season. Me, myself, and I, will be in Japan, for example…

Let’s move early?..



Or at least pack early. If everything was nicely boxed (dare to dream) the move would be a lot easier than the endless mucking out we did at the last space.

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The Mame machine… Down twisting stairs… Aaaargh!


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I’ll start bringing in boxes.

This time around, alas, I will not be able to bring in a pallet jack and leave it around, sorry!

On the other hand, I have a number of large-ish frogboxes, like the ones we use for the “recycling” (eh… Wait a minute!?), that I could drop off as well, but I would need them back in the new year.