Open source Basic Qualification training manual

Hello All,

I have recently taken over the position as president of the UBC Amateur Radio Society. The UBC ARS has a basic training manual that was designed as a one day crash course on the subject and I am working on open sourcing it (GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3) and revising it so that it covers the questions in the question bank in more detail. If there is interest in helping me in this task I can create a Google doc and post the link here.


Hi Daniel
I am currently running a 14 week course - lots more details than just exam questions - and we are using the RAC Coax Publications Handbook.
However I am sure your one-day crash course would be appreciated by the current course attendees and others interested.
I wonder who if any examiner you have as I would be interested in running a formal exam session ahead of the eventual course completion date in December.
I would be keen to make contact anyway.
As you may know we have a station for the Hackspace under the callsign VA7VHS

ph 604 837 2371


Daniel or Farrell, any upcoming courses in the near future?

Daniel, is Dave Michelson still involved with UBC ARS?