December 31, 2014, 1:15am
Hey dudes!
We’ve done a pretty great job so far, the Bunker is mostly clean, and things have been moving forward on the boring administration side, too.
@garthomite has been busy as heck today and done most of the last-minute things that need doing.
One more thing:
We have this stuff inside the Bunker that needs to be moved to Cook St:
And this stuff outside that needs to be taken to the dump (unless someone wants it:
Who can do this by tomorrow? The walkthrough will be done then sometime, and then we should get our sweet sweet deposit back.
Further good news:
So where is the shelving going to go?
Mirrors covered by shelving and noikia benches by necessity.
I am an engineer, I know no art or beauty, except functionality.
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December 31, 2014, 1:38am
Hey Tim!
Not the goal of this post. Create a new topic if you like.
This stuff needs to be handled tonight or tomorrow morning.
So anyone with a truck or van that is available to help move the yellow pallet jack? Need to move it either tonight or tomorrow.
Next the lock is ready to be changed, just make sure I can get a key to help someone move the above pallet jack.
Pallet jack is moved and the space is now empty and stuff stored outside has been removed. Locks now have been changed and @ccudahy has the only key I could find.
Thanks everyone for all the hard work.
@garthomite / all others involved ++(*infinity)