I got a 16" x 16" piece of black corroplast and drilled the 64 holes on a 2" grid (left a 1" border in the event I want to mount several modules together). I then put a 16" x 16" piece of translucent corroplast in front of it and I think it looks pretty good… I’ll try to post a video of it…
@wander YES.
Also tonight I will have a sample pack of neat arduino projects on hand. Come and tinker, see what you can get to work. RFID, LED matrixes, 7-segment displays, LCD screens, and more. All of it available as tutorials online, somewhere, if we do a bit of hunting.
A follow up class has been added. December 6, 2014 Class: Programming 101 with Arduino and LEDs
The signup date is extended to november 18. Makes a great xmas gift.