Nomos Hackathon - Saturday, Feb 20th

I’m putting another hackathon on the calendar for the 20th.

I’ll be there starting at 11am, and @laftho is usually there a little earlier.

We’ll be working on Nomos, our membership software - You all use it to enter the building! Crushing bugs, adding features, and discussing philosophy - It’s always a lot of fun.

Everyone is welcome, and we’ll be able to play nice with the 3D printer people. The software is built on AngularJS and PHP - experience in those is nice, but not required.

Please read and follow the setup procedures before then!
See here for instructions, follow them carefully. It involves downloading a 1.3GB VM image, which totally kills the VHS network, every time.

See you all there!


Would this be an appropriate time for someone, lets say me, to integrate talk.* authentication into membership.* so that we don’t have to login again? I’m thinking perhaps implementing oauth for talk.

If so, does anybody know of any reasons why this is something we don’t want, can’t, or shouldn’t?

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I think that sounds great


That is this Saturday! Prepare yourself! And your laptops. With Vagrant.

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