Musicians! Can you transcribe a short tune for me, please?

I want to play the tetris theme music on my arduino with a tone generator.

I’m looking for two tracks: one of the base line and one of the theme.
Each track should only play one note because that’s what the tone generator can handle.
Each transcribed note should be written like this:

E4 0.25 // E above middle C, 1/4 note
R 0.5 // half note rest
CS3 1 // whole note, C sharp one octave down. There is no designation for flat notes.

The plan is to put this into the Arduino Tetris game I made a little while ago.
I’d gladly include your name in the credits and give you a big shout out on the blogs.

Anyone interested?

I can do this for you. Sounds fun!

Can you elaborate on that format and why you chose it? Is that just an intermediate format that you’ll convert to a big data blob in the arduino source code?

What tone generator are you using and what does the program/circuit look like? If it’s easy for me to replicate, that’s cool. If not, I’ll just simulate the playback on my computer.

Yes, it’s being converted into two arrays - one of the notes and one for length of each note. I’m going to play them main theme first, then try to quickly jump between two notes to simulate two voices at once.

I’ll bring it to VHS tonight, you can see it in person.

If the hardware can do two simultaneous channels, it’ll sound great! In fact, the file you linked to can quite easily be made into two monophonic channels (lead and bass). It looses a harmony line but still sounds full enough. To pull this off I guess you’d need two independent oscillators and either wire them each to their own transducer or electrically mix their signals and feed that to a single one.

If you need these to me flattened into a single monophonic channel, it’ll be a bit tougher. We can flip between the two lines in a mechanical way (I think that’s what you’re suggesting) but it might be better to just write a monophonic arrangement that incorporates aspects of both lines in a musical way.

I’ve done the first section of the tune in both of these strategies so we can go over them tonight. I should be at the space around 8pm.

Mm… I was just going to give 1/128th of a beat to the base and the same to the lead, back and forth. classic chiptunes style. In code it’s something like lead_note = { note note note } and lead_length = { whole quarter quarter rest }, then base_note and base_length.

I can combine two kits to make a speaker, but I’d rather not.

ok cool. Let’s try it! I didn’t know that was a common technique for chiptunes.

Here it is! A working Arduino sketch…

It works fairly well. The polyphony is pretty crunchy, but I guess that’s part of the charm. If anyone has any suggestions for improvements… PULL REQUESTS WELCOME!

Add some blinking LEDs, take a video, then submit it to hackaday

Luke! Send me your website url and I’ll put it in a post going up on