Moving into the new space on Cook St

Ok, everyone, here’s the skinny.


Our first goal is to get the pallets into the new space without damaging anything. This is an all day affair because we don’t want to rent the truck twice.

Out second goal is to get the benches assembled so we can move stuff off the pallets and make room for the stuff arriving in the later truck loads.

The Plan

The move on Friday Jan 9, starting at 7am.

Truck rental opens at 7:00am.
John will be at the SW warehouse at 7:30am.
I will be at Cook St by 7:30am.

Can you help with

  • driving the truck
  • riding along and helping load pallets
  • unloading pallets at cook st and navigating the halls
  • unpacking the pallets
  • music for happy working
  • lunch (4x pizzas and some 2L sodas?) @ 13:00
  • connecting door buzzer 104 to the VHS phone so we can let people in. (means talking to landlord.)
  • setting up the membership system for cash payers (paper token system from the vending machine)
  • setting up the membership system to rent lockers (space is a premium)
  • setting up the membership system to the door lock (rfid? phone in and key a code?)


The halls have enough room to move pallets carefully, but not enough for a pallet and an empty jack to pass each other. This might produce a bottleneck that will slow unloading.

The loading docks may also be a bit of a challenge: the SW dock is at a funny height and cars like to park in the way. Try to get the cars moved before hand and it will make loading a lot less janky. Backing into the new dock will be trickier than at VHS due to the design.


There are large floor-to-ceiling mirrors on one wall. They are 1/4" out from the wall, probably because they are covering up the power outlets. An electrician needs to come through and (ideally) make everything awesome before Friday. If the mirrors have to come down, so be it - cut yourself off a square for whatever you need.

My earlier post about the modest proposal is still a go. I’d like to raise $400 from members so we can install the pegboards as the benches are assembled and then pushed up against the walls. Each bench would cost $25.
The pegboards would be purchased as 8x4’ sheets and cut down at Home Depot. The LED lights can be done any time.

Anything else

I’ll be the primary contact, the guy who knows what’s going on. You can reach me on 604 916 2281.


I have the cook street key. I will be going to burnaby at 7:30 to sign the papers, then farrall and I will get over to the SW warehouse to meet john. We’ll load the first batch and head over to cook street. From then on I’ll stay at cook and people will take turns riding in the truck while I stay with the space and play tetris with the pallets.

End of the day I hope farrall can take the truck back on his own.

heh: cook street, no kitchen.

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Working on this one, should be in place by Friday, also I’ll get a remote to open the Garage door for that day as well.

Aside from that I can’t really help with the move since I’ll be working that day, after 5 i’m free.

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I can maybe come by after work… a work day doesn’t really work out too well for me though. I may be able to “slack from home” some days, but I’m not in a position to take a day off.

ditto, perhaps this should have started with a survey of availability?

Actually I’m not available all weekend either.

Would like to help, unavailable during the working day on Friday.

Can help in the evening starting after 5pm.

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The date was decided based on John’s availability because he has the only access to the SW warehouse.

I’m away till the 12th; sorry.

I should be able to come also from around 5.

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Thank you @iMakeRobots for taking on the responsibility of moving VHS into its new home.

We have to work around @JohnC schedule. He is also volunteering his time too, and was the one that found the Powell street location for us to temporarily store VHS’s stuff.

Instead of replying with your busy.
I would much rather see replies from people that can help this Friday.
Is anyone available this Friday?

@iMakeRobots Is there anything that the people who are busy this Friday can do to help?

@funvill yes! Getting the buzzer to work, getting lunch set up, phone a
friend (who’s available to help), unpack after 5… that’s off the top of
my head.
Get creative, you’ll think of something.

I wasn’t around at all for the packing or the move into storage because of work but I am free on Friday during the day and I will be there to help.


I can help with the move on Friday from 7:00am till 1:00pm
Can drive a truck if needed but shall need directions

  • where + how to pickup truck
  • where to load
  • where to park for unloading
    604 837 2371

Sounds like manpower will be an issue on Friday - but if that’s the time we have access to storage then that’s the time!

To that end I suggest we focus on simply moving stuff from storage to the shoebox as is, and postpone pallet unpacking until the moving is complete.

I’ve got some commitments that day I’ll have to work around, but I can help sporadically.


I can help from 6 pm on. I will do whatever needs done, continued moving, packing, etc.

I’ll be at Cook St Friday 8-9ish am.

Wish I could! Might pop by after work.

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I’m down to help out on Friday from 7 till 9am, and maybe also after 5pm. Just tell me where to show up. I wasn’t involved with any of the initial packing though.

Can we use traffic cones to save ourselves a spot at the loading docks? If yeah I can get my hands on some by Fri.

In terms of pre-Friday work, is there anything critical that hadn’t been taken care of yet? Also, any chance you could link to the pegboard discussion you referred to? I for one sitll haven’t gotten the hang of this site yet, and haven’t been able to find it (or maybe I’m just lazy).

Edit: a school team meeting came up; I won’t be able to make it in the morning after all. Sorry!

I’ll be there at 7:30am and all day (might need to step away for a couple hours around lunch though).

@garthomite do you need any help with the phone? Are you tackling any of the ideas on this thread? PM me if I can be of assistance before Friday.

Is the another walk-through tonight (Tuesday)? What time? (yes there is)


Tuesday night open night is your opportunity to come down and see the space before it’s filled. I’ll be there to answer questions.