MMC December Chapter Meeting: adapted toilet, solderless toy hacks, and more

I attended the MMC all Chapters meeting (held monthly), here are some highlights:

1. Solderless Toy Hack
One Chapter has been experimenting with adapting toy’s like the Leapfrog Violet without soldering. This is still being tested out to see if the hacks hold up but raises some great possibilities for toy hacking in places where soldering is not always feasible.

2. Demo of Adapted Toilet
Noam Platt of the NOLA Hackspace did a presentation on their work designing and making an adapted toiletseat that can be easily travel on a plane and work with multiple toilets. The protoype is made of wood and is very impressive. If anyone is interested in this, the design is open-source. If anyone has ideas about how to make this on a lasercutter (ply is 3/4 inch) or how it could be cnced from alumninum, that would be great to hear (current prototypes have been made on a wood cnc).

3. MMC AT Guinness World Record Attempt
Results are still be calculated by the Guinness folks but the response was huge and MMC had over 1500 new newsletter signs ups. Thanks to everyone who participated or helped to make that happen!

Learn more about MMC: Makers Making Change Vancouver Chapter - Vancouver Hack Space
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