Maker Faire - Bay Area May 16 & 17, 2015 - 10th annual Maker Faire


This year is the 10th annual Maker Faire in San Francisco. The San Francisco Maker Faire is like a mecca for HACKERS and MAKERS alike. Everyone should go at least once to experience it. Its an overwhelming, inspirational experience. In 2014 Maker Faire San Francisco had 1,100+ maker and 130,000+ attendance. Its big!

I been every year for the last 4 years. When I go I tend to hit up all the hackspaces and maker spaces that I can. The first year I stopped at 22 different hackspaces from VHS (Vancouver) to
Metrix CreateSpace (Seattle), ADX, Jigsaw Renaissance (Portland), Eugene MakerSpace (Eugene),
RobotGarden, The Crucible, TechShop, Noise bridge, BioCurious, HackerDojo, Radicand Labs, Rockit Colabs, Fresno Idea Works, instructables offices, (San Francisco), etc…

I have so many stamps in my HackerSpace passport that I needed to get two!

I am going to Maker faire SF again this year and you should too.
If we have a decent size group (+5), I can plan for us to visit a bunch of these spaces and other hacker specific places as a group. A hacker field trip. If there are more than ~15 of us. I will make it an event and invite all the other spaces to do a large semi-organized tour of all the spaces, and we can do a Hackspace organizer meetup to share information across spaces, as well as organize an after maker faire party in San Francisco.

Either way.

I am going to Maker Faire in San Francisco,
Who else is going?

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I would like to go, but that is an interesting time at work. I will let you
know one or two or three weeks beforehand.

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