Machine Shop Metal Lathe Ready For Use

After lots of preparatory work the Machine Shop Frejoth Lathe is ready for use.

There is one final component that needs to be machined to get the Lathe at 100%.

Lathe training material has been updated.

The current trainers are @AndroidLx , @Cantina_Dude and @Rsim.

ALL users must first have an orientation on the new lathe even if they were already checked out on the old lathe.

The cost for training will be $100. As always, should a member have limited funds, please contact the board to discuss options for training sponsorship.

$50 goes directly to the Machine Shop Committee and $50 goes to the trainer.

For folks trained on the previous lathe there will be a free required orientation session before being allowed to use the lathe.

For members who want to get training please fill out the → Lathe Training Request Form

As always projects of this sort would never be possible without the generous contribution of $$, time and knowledge from many members. A separate post will be made acknowledging these contributions.

And now some pics

Bolted to the floor to provide stability and safety.

Quick Change Tool post to make swapping tools fast and repeatable.

Way wipers designed and 3d printed right here at VHS.

Chucks and Live Centers


Oh heck yeah


Congrats guys and gals! really cool to see this up and running! I appreciate all the effort put into getting this operational!


Hi, are the reorientation videos still happening for trained users of the prior lathe?

I just wanted to clarify, is training separate from checkout? There’s a differentiation but no mention of checkout fee value (or if it is the same as training)

Lastly, seems like there was a batch of training that happened immediately before the old lathe was dismantled. It seems there’s an implicit expectation that training allowed these people to have access to the lathe after training, which was removed almost immediately after their training. I would suggest to the committee that those people have additional fees covered for them.

For someone like me who has had access to the lathe for years post-training, I understand a nominal administrative fee.

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Hi Mike!

Good to hear from you.

As stated above…

Regardless of whether or not someone claims to be a competent machinist they are still required to take the training session at $100 if they’ve not already taken a lathe training session at VHS.

Given the inherent risk of injury and death from using a machine such as a metal lathe the committee feels that this is the best approach.

This VHS training session allows the trainer to make an assessment of the person taking the training. This training also covers the expectations of working in a shared shop environment such as VHS.

The Machine Shop Committee has worked through the backlog of lathe training requests and is in the process of contacting the 3 folks who have submitted recent lathe training requests.

Once again… For members who want to get training please fill out the → Lathe Training Request Form

I’m am not aware of any plans in the works for lathe re-orientation videos.

It was pointed out that I misread “free as fee”. Sorry


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