Lumpy bumpy laser cut

Hi all! I accidentally made a very 3D laser cut on Tuesday:

The trick was forgetting to refocus the laser on a cut with a bunch of nearly-overlapping lines.

This is just some test / scrap for a bigger project that I’ll hopefully also document soon. I’m holding onto this cut to use as a trivet. If folks like the look of it, I’d be happy to cut another for the display case :slight_smile:


Material: 1/4 inch birch, untreated
Power: 60% max / 59% min
Speed: 270mm/s, I think?
Focus: distance of ~10 on the lil’ focus gadget
Diameter: approx 6in
Pattern: tweaked some old software of mine from Generated this specific SVG with penplot/example/crispers.js at master · rileyjshaw/penplot · GitHub and a bit of manual cleanup.

If I’ve left anything out please feel free to ask questions. I’m also happy to clarify my icky code if that’s helpful.

Also shoutout @TristanL, my forever co-laserer.

  • R

well that is super cool. really neat design, and really cool effect on the cutting.


Super neat!!!
I’ve played with the focus before to get various effects. There’s tons of room to explore on that tool!

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