Hi all! I accidentally made a very 3D laser cut on Tuesday:
The trick was forgetting to refocus the laser on a cut with a bunch of nearly-overlapping lines.
This is just some test / scrap for a bigger project that I’ll hopefully also document soon. I’m holding onto this cut to use as a trivet. If folks like the look of it, I’d be happy to cut another for the display case
Material: 1/4 inch birch, untreated
Power: 60% max / 59% min
Speed: 270mm/s, I think?
Focus: distance of ~10 on the lil’ focus gadget
Diameter: approx 6in
Pattern: tweaked some old software of mine from https://codepen.io/collection/nYWPBp. Generated this specific SVG with penplot/example/crispers.js at master · rileyjshaw/penplot · GitHub and a bit of manual cleanup.
If I’ve left anything out please feel free to ask questions. I’m also happy to clarify my icky code if that’s helpful.
Also shoutout @TristanL, my forever co-laserer.
- R