Looking for a few sheets of Laser Printer transparency sheets (for 8x8 Micro Word Clock)?

I am looking for some transparency sheets that I can print on using my Laser printer…
Like these:

But I only need 3 or 4 sheets so don’t want to shell out $85 for 50 of them…

Anyone have stock of such things and be willing to sell a few?

FYI, this is to print out the graphics for this project:

We started on this a while back and it was on my pile of un-finished projects(a pile I am tryign to make smaller)
Tom K made up a new PCB for it with access to the serial lines but this turned out to be an issue with the processor used and it sort of ended there…
I got a $10 coupon form OSH-PARK and ordered 9 of the original boards.
I plan to make one and think I have the parts for 2 or 3 kits along with 5 spare pcbs…
Assuming I can get the first one to work I’ll sell off the remaining stuff as kits and plain pcbs…

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Hey - if anyone doesn’t have stock I’m pretty sure you can buy single
sheets of the stuff at Opus. Call ahead though to confirm.

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thanks… i will try that…
@Jarrett may have a sheet also…

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I might have some kicking around the house. 8 1/2 “by 11” I think.

Give me a chance to dig 'em out before your squander your hard earned cash.

Hey Bob,

I put some in the dropbox for you. It’s on the bottom shelf with your name
and today’s date.

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Thanks Andrew!!

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