Laser Cutter Workflow Cheat Sheet

Hi guys,
I went got trained for using the laser cutter by @artwill last week and have been enjoying using it for my dresser organizer project (more on that later, I promise :)) I took the liberty to draft a work-flow cheat sheet from the stuff from the training to help new users a visible guide while using the laser cutter the first few times. Please pardon the aesthetics, I will make it pretty and easier to read once the text/content is finalized. Would love any input on this even if you guys think it is a bad idea and something like this is not required :slight_smile:

Warm regards,


We might want to explicitly discourage using the laser cutter computer to sign into the laser, in the interest of avoiding people accidentally leaving it signed in.

re cleaning the lens, that was not in the training I received. Do we have obviously marked equipment and approved methods for doing that? (I found a wiki guide now, can we have a link to that as qr code or such?)

Maybe would be good to link to approved materials list with a qr code or something!

Hi Adheesh,

A workflow cheat sheet seems like it would definitely be helpful to have, especially for those who might be infrequent users of the laser. Thank you very much for taking the time and effort do that.

As a member of the @LCC (Laser Cutter Commitee) I would like to highlight that maintaining the alignment and cleaning of the mirrors and lens is a responsibility of the LCC. I do know that the last few months have been problematic with issues of condensation on the lense and more frequent cleanings being needed. I’ll take this back to the LCC and see if there is an opportunity here to potentially have separate training and orientation on simple cleaning and maintenance techniques outside the LCC. At present, it is an LCC function. Perhaps one of the other LCC members can chime in and offer more perspective than I can.




I see your point about using the laser computer to log in. Ironically, I noticed that same thing the other day… someone had left the sign in page open and signed in… I promptly closed it, and it does speak to your point.
If anyone does use the computer to sign in, please be diligent about signing out/closing the incognito browser immediately so as not to forget by accident.


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Maybe we could be clever and make a shortcut on the desktop to chromium.exe --incognito called “Log Into Laser” to make sure people actually use incognito, but really it would be preferable if people just don’t log onto the laser on that computer imo.


I think incognito is already set as the default when people open the browser?


Hi Brad,
I’m glad you feel it’ll be useful. I will remove point 4 from the work flow. If the LCC decides on having any kind of training on the specifics of laser cutter maintenance, I would be interested for sure.

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I second an updated approved material list along with recommended speed and power settings and can volunteer to work with the LCC on the same.

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Great stuff!

Can you please add one more item to step 12.

Clean the filter screen at the back of the laser. To get the screen you need to reach up through the space when the tray is removed.


Perfect! Will add that :slight_smile: