Is there interest in a sewing night soon?

I was thinking of opening up the space one evening soon from 6 to 11pm for people who want to use sewing machines, cutting table, serger, etc. Is there any interest? I’m conscious of Halloween coming up and people working on costumes.

Let me know.


Great idea even just to get the machines all setup, tested and working.
Just installed today transparent nylon thread in the one machine which I
used this afternoon for repairing my 40yr old canvas camping stretcher -
still one more to do. If anyone wants to use this one with regular thread
then please save the thread.
Manufactured a new disc to replace the missing one to hold the thread reel
in place
Cannot find the power cord for the serger.


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Yes! I was going to make a post about this also.

From now until Fan Expo (Nov 11-13), I’m planning on opening the space on Mondays from ~7:00-10:00 for costumes/props/sewing/etc. If Monday works for you, we could team up or something?


That’s awesome! thanks @rsim!

@toptekkie - are you for a sewing machine maintenance evening with me? We could oil everything/check timing etc.

Sure - lets do it.

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Great! I pmed you.


Sewing machine maintenance night is on Wed, October 5th. Join us and bring your machine.


Yep I definitely have more to do on costumes

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Puppet making was a big hit at VHS1. It may be time for a repeat. Certainly this could be promoted with halloween in mind. Costumes for the costume god!

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My wife Anne and I will be there. If anyone is interested in quilting (sewing the blocks vs the actual quilting part) Anne can you you a demo on how it’s done.

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I’m definitely up for that. Thanks @steveroy

nice seeing this in 2016 :D.

Hey @Worker_BW_INC if you’re interested in sewing, come on by the space during my open hours (usually every other Sunday afternoon but check the calendar) or ping me and we can set something up :slight_smile:

this was 8 years ago and your still sewing?
thats some determination.

Haha I’ve been sewing most of my life. But not continuously :laughing:

I of course love this idea :grin:

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