Iona vreme moser

Iona Vreme Moser residency/workshop

Hello, I’m writing to inquire about possible collaborations with Vancouver New Music. We would like to bring artists like Martin Howse, Ioana Vreme Moser and others to Vancouver for short residencies/workshop open to the community, and we wanted to see if VHS would be interested in partnering with us to make this happen. We are would like to create a series of workshops and residencies that may offer insight in various kinds of sonic explorations and we thought that VHS would be an ideal place to be involved with. Please, let us know if you wish to discuss further, I’ll be happy to meet and give you more details. Thank you.

Best regards,

Giorgio Magnanensi •
Artistic director - Vancouver New Music

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Hi! One of our members is reach out to you and @ninetynein to follow up


loop me in the conversation! Would love to help out if workshops are involved.

HI Alanna,
I’ll send you an email. Is this one stil working?:


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