Interesting work for a member?

See on Indeed:
" Electronic Hardware Engineer/Designer (Intermediate or Junior)
General Technologies Corp - Delta, BC
We are looking for an electronic hardware designer (A.K.A. Electronic Engineer) to join our research and development team, which creates unique electronic tools for automotive, marine, and other vehicular applications. General Technologies Corporation designs and manufactures a variety of hand-held tools with complex and unique mixed signal circuits, and the majority of this job would consist of analog and mixed-signal design and testing. Circuit designers are required to do most of the part selection, schematic design, PCB layout, as well as circuit prototyping and simulation for their projects; design considerations include cost, performance, reliability, and manufacturability. …"

Here’s another one, look it up if curious:

They are asking for an “integrator”, and yes, the core of the ad does confirm that is what they need. The field itself might not be too interesting but eh!, that’s just my personal bias…

And yet another.

By the way, if this is not appropriate posting, let me know. Since I am searching personally for a job, why not share the findings so as to optimize everybody else searches, (if any, I hope everybody at VHS has a good paying job these days!)


I pity the HR people who are having to plow through probably thousands of resumes they get for a job like this, from all over, to work in Vancouver.

I pity anybody who looks for any jobs in Vancouver. Then, if they are from outside Vancouver, I pity them even more for having to find lodging that will cost them less than what they will earn.

Then if they find both, I envy their parents who finally have an empty nest to sell…

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