Instructables Makerspace contest

I know many of us post Instructables from time to time. They now have a contest for maker spaces that could win us some cool swag. Basically, it sounds like we can tag our instructables and have them included. I know I have one in my pocket that will likely get featured.

More details at:


Also, it seems like if we can manage to post 11 or more instructables, we get a free Silhouette paper cutter like this:

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@ninetynein Can you bottom line this project? Be the contact person for instructables, and help people get their instrutables on-line?

Calling out people to post their projects on instructables for VHS

They have to be 11 featured Instructables to get the Silhouette paper cutter

Calling more people out

Note the post that has the most traffic on Talk is

So I have a special call out to @garthomite to make a instructables.

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Will do. To confirm, these have to be new instructables posted between June 1 and August 31. Anyone that’s interested must have an instructables account. Send me your real name, and your Instructable user name and I’ll add it to the group.

We need one instructable to kick this off. I’ll try to wrap up my minecraft lamp in the next few days.

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True, but pretty much any decent instructable gets featured, right? I’ve had 5 of my 6 get featured.

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never made an instructable before, what makes a good instructable? I rely on my CNC almost exclusively (helps take craftsmanship out of the equation), so my stuff would just be a lot of “take this file, CNC it and you’re done!”. Would that work at all?

@ninetynein well I have only had 1 featured, but 3 out of 7 are popular.

Yup totally. If you’re willing to upload your source files, even better. Or failing that, some design docs. I use the laser cutter in most of mine. I always include a line about “if you don’t have a laser cutter, check out your local hackspace”

Basically, good instructables go step by step, document it well and have lots of pics.

I think the trick is to register them for contests just after the contest opens. They get a lot more views that way. Being featured is only a function of how popular they are. That’s one of the things that bugs me about instructables. You can build the best thing in the world. If nobody understands it, it’s not going to take off.

I have had all 3 of mine featured and every one has won a contest.
We have a community in VHS of 120+ people it shouldn’t be hard to upvote all our own instructables and get them featured.

Where did you get your image, How did you convert it to a tool path, what problems you faced while doing this, what suggestions do you have for people making similar projects?

Also remember that you can enter a instructables to multiple contests at the same time. Check out the list of the other instructables

I have an Instructable on calibrating a Prusa i3 started and want to get it finished for the 3D printer contest, so I will add it to Makerspace contest as well - when it’s finished. :smile:


Yep I’ve been putting off doing the write up’s on all my projects so I’ll get cracking!


I guess it is time to come up with a new instructable to post…

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I’ll take a bunch of pictures at VMMF so I can write up a nice instructable on molding & casting.

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I am just finishing up my first instructables for this contest.
How are yours going?

Anyone need any help ?

I would like to join the team, and provide / work on the camera system.

I will be remote most of the time. So we can build 2. I have many friends
where who would love to make this a neruff/buff gun auto targeting shooter
on the RC.

Lets open project page and start sharing documents.

I am working on sourcing some kinect camera systems.

Anyone interested in putting on a quick Instructable workshop that could perhaps make getting started for us that have projects but mebbe are not all that great in documenting them?