Hackaday is hosting a Bring-a-Hack event at Vancouver Hack Space in BC, Canada. Now is your chance to show off your projects new and old to your local community… and to the wider Hackaday world! We’ll be giving every hack 5 minutes of fame with show-and-tell style presentations. These presentations will be sandwiched between eating, drinking, and conversing with your favorite nerds! Plus Hackaday is always looking for the next cool project to highlight, so show us what you’ve got, Vancouver!
I’ve put it down as 6:30pm - 10:30pm. The hackaday.io page for the event is currently incorrect for both the date and time, but that should be fixed shortly.
Yes, some of the Hackaday crew will be in town, so they are coming to check out the space (and your hacks)! It should be a good time. I’ve got a couple projects I need to finish right quick.
This is tomorrow everyone! It’s an awesome opportunity to get some visibility of the cool things going on around VHS - I hope everyone makes an effort to show up and show off!
Great photos! I’m really sad I missed this. @Daniel_DeGagne could you create a new post with details of your debugger? That sounds like a very interested project!
I’ve had some very good responses for the design from some restaurant people I know so I’m looking into a possible Kickstarter with it. Not thinking I can get rich off of it but I figure the credit for other ideas I have might be worth the trouble.
That being the plan I don’t plan to publicly post anymore information on the debugger till after the campaign. Successful or Not. Or if I just figure its not worth the hassle.
BUT I’m glad to share privately the information. I want to have more feedback on the design and more tests on its use.