Group build idea: Little Free Libraries

Hey folks, I’ve been wanting to build a Little Free Library to stick on my fence for a few months, but haven’t found [OK, I haven’t exactly looked very hard…] a ready-made cabinet to repurpose.

Then, in conversation with another member about ways to try to increase meatspace engagement, we figured this might be a good way to do it. Get two birds stoned at once!


  • get people interested
  • find off-the-shelf designs, or design our own
  • acquire materials
  • build
  • ???

Some design inspiration:

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There are a few in our neighbourhood in New Westminster and also 2 in the community of Lac Le Jeune which we frequent. We love the concept of them and try to take care of the ones at Lac Le Jeune.

A retired friend of ours built one and started with the glass and hinges from an old TV entertainment unit and built it around that.

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We could bolt together a bunch of the AED cabinets and put a proper roof on em.


Imagine you’re on the street in a sudden need of an AED, when you notice a whole stack of them on the corner! Only to find them filled with children’s books…


You mean you weren’t looking for the Autonomous Education Dispensers?
Seriously though, a coat of paint, a shelf inside, fill the holes in the back and a roof. They are pretty ideal.

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Yeah the AED labels are just vinyl letters. Most of them have had the labels scraped off already