Garage Sale Volunteers needed today!

Hi All, I’ve signed VHS up for the Great Grandview Garage Sale again this year which is happening today. Sorry for the late call for volunteers (I totally dropped the ball on it this year), but if anyone is willing to be at the space to help out between 10:00am and 2:00pm it would be a great help! In addition to selling some of our excess stuff this is a great opportunity to give tours to new people, as we get lots of foot traffic.

Committees: if there is any equipment or supplies that you want to try to sell please post here or on Slack asap so that we can add the stuff to the garage sale.

Also, very important that we don’t sell any of the Amazon donations. We can give them away for free but we can’t make any money off of them.

The Great Grandview Garage Sale is an enormous neighbourhood-wide garage sale, taking place throughout Grandview Woodland on Saturday June 17th 2023. It takes place annually on the 3rd Saturday in June, right before Father's Day. Think of it kind of like the East-Side Culture Crawl, but with Garage Sales. I know, we're excited too!

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I would be happy to sell the robot arm small robot arm for like $1. I tried doing things with them, did not work. So give it away to a new home. may be someone can do something with it.

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I’m intending to swing by but i’m running a bit late. Should arrive around 10:30 or so.

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the packing envelopes from fish can go in the sale. I already grabbed some and meant to grab more this week but got side tracked. I’ll take care of what ever is left after the sael

Sorry I’m running late too

there are a few scroll saws floating around in the wood shop as well as some wood turning chisels that can go. I also think that there might be a couple of extra belt Sanders come back and be put up for sale as well

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I’m picking up @xquared 's Square reader later this morning in case we need to process any credit cards

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I have mine with me


thanks y’all for doing the garage sale - huge to get some old stuff out of the space and also avoid the landfill.

Thanks for all of the help everyone! We gave away some of the freecycling shelf stuff. I don’t know if we sold anything else but we gave a whole lot of tours to new people, so it was a successful day!


Amazing! Thanks for that!!

Yeah @cory and i piled a table of stuff from the freecycle shelf and posted it outside the front doors which drew people in. There were maybe 10 people who seemed pretty interested in the shop for their own purposes. I think about 20 bucks of stuff came in for donations from what i know of.

We could have done some more planning around this but for a last minute thing it was still nice to have people come check out the space.


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