Front office work log

Today Sylvia and I bought some lumber and started milling baseboards for the front office. We decided to start with the longest wall, which is just shy of 13’. Managed to get it down to 1’ thickness and with the waste was able to make some ceiling slats. We also patched a missing portion of drywall below where the baseboards would go with plywood.


Sylvia planing the long wall baseboard

Ceiling slats


Long wall board

Next up is to finish the remaining boards, prime them and paint them, then nail them in.

I’ve left all the lumber on the top rack above the CNC router.

Also it would be helpful to keep that room empty until the baseboards are in. We removed the tables as it was hard to maneuver boards in it with those tables set up.


@Logan_Buchy @sylvia You two are seriously awesome! Thank you for keeping on top of this!


I checked that out tonight - looking awesome!

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