Hi Mahyar,
Welcome to VHS To check if VHS is open, we have a dedicated webpage called isvhsopen.com. For information about VHS, our tools, equipment and all kind of other things, our wiki which can be found at https://wiki.vanhack.ca is a great resource. If you have questions which are not answered there, there is a dedicated channel for newcomers on slack. You can request an invite to slack using the instructions that you would have received in your sign up email from one of the membership coordinators.
The lathe in the machine shop is a member only tool that requires training / checkout from someone on the machine shop committee. You can request that via slack or as you have, here on talk in the machine shop training thread.
Sorry to hear that @movinrad. Isvhsopen.com is always the best place to check for open hours. In fact it looks like someone has opened the space at 4:04pm and will be keeping it open until 9pm tonight.
If you are able to go back, ring the door bell if the door is locked.