Finishing up the welding shop

hey all. I’m wanting to come in and finish up the welding shop while Metal_Janet is out sick… I was wondering if there are any keyholders willing to come in and bottom line for me this weekend. Other than the drywall part, i should be fairly self sufficient.

ideally any of the days starting around 8:30-9:00 would be great for me.and maybe leaving around 2:00ish? I’m flexible but I would like to try and start on friday.




Are any key holders available at 8:30-9am tomorrow (Friday) or any other day this weekend to open the space for @winegummo?


Work party underway!



I’m so glad this was able to move forward!

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Work part extended to at least 2pm!

Come on down!



I have handed off bottom-lining to @Billiam!

Thanks to Eric, @winegummo, @dbynoe, and @Petetheviking for coming down today and helping out!

The adventure continues until 7pm tonight!

Is there a keyholder available for this Saturday to keep the momentum going?


I volunteer as tribute. Be good to get the space drywalled. I can do 9am till like 2pm.


I’m shutting down a bit early; no one is beating down the door, and I’m hungry.


Windjammer has great fish 'n chips.

thanks David for coming in and helping me put up drywall today. we got a lot done. and as far as drywall goes, it was kinda fun…

If anyone else is going to be at the space over the next days, I could come down and do a little more. I won’t require any help, just access.



Amazing! Thanks so much for putting that time in! Also…drywall

One note is that all the drywall isn’t fully screwed in, we opted to get everything that needed two people done first, there is also a whole strip to put in on the east and north walls, and a mid sized chunk on the north wall that still needs doing (small enough to one person it). So if anyone knows drywall and feels like puttering, cut some strips of drywall and fill in the gaps. Its like that tile matching game but our standards are lower (just smack it till it fits).



What are we going to do about gas pipe passing though at about 9’ up? It should be accessible, but also protected… :thinking:

Janet and I finished up the last if the drywall tonight. Thanks @winegummo for filling in the gaps and screwing everything down. Its now ready for tape and mud.

As for the gas pipe, we will chat with a gas fitter about how to proceed. Its a solid pipe with no joins, only real way for it to be an issue is if someone gets up on a ladder and hits it with an angle grinder and if that happens… well…

At a minimum I want to hit it with yellow paint and maybe get some official gas line markings on it.


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