Finish early Bonus:Paid to learn Zephyr Project RTOS on B-L475E-IOT01A

Here is an offer too good to be true. :):thinking:

Get a free board and get paid by tasks for setting up and using ST Disco L475 IOT01
First 5 people get a board, meet each Saturday 15:00.

To start you get a B-L475E-IOT01A Discovery kit, if you commit to completing the first 2 tasks. Working together is encouraged. But each person must have setup their own Linux build environment.

  1. Setup the Linux Build environment.
    Task complete when the board runs hello world and is programed to blink LEDS.
    The steps of the task are documented in the VHS wiki page.
    And create a VHS blog post with pictures/video, referencing VHS wiki page.
    Fork the Zephyr Project git repository and push any changes.

  2. Log data from on board sensors.
    Task complete when data from sensors are logged to a csv, file. High data rate logging is not required.
    Again the steps of the task are documented in the VHS wiki page.
    And create a VHS blog post with pictures/video, referencing VHS wiki page.
    Push any changes to the previously forked Zephyr Project git repository.

After this, you will get paid for each task completed. We will decide together what the tasks will be.


I’m interested.


I am interested as well!

Hi Tim,
I am interested as well!

I’m interested. Any prerequisites? How many weeks are you looking for someone to commit to?


You have a Linux computer. And you are committed to working with others to
complete at least the first 2 tasks.

Commitment is task based. You complete the first 2 task you keep the board.
You do more tasks, get paid per task.

WHY am I doing this?

VHS is a member of Zephyr Project and it is time we blog some activities.

And this helps me demonstrate the usability to Zephyr Project. I want to use Zephyr myself, but don’t have much time to play. :wink:

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One of your projects is to port Marlin (3D printer gcode interpreter) to this ? Or Smoothie ?

I’m also in Tim. Thanks for running this.

Cool. I’m in.

I will bring the 5 boards to VHS this Saturday at 15:00.

Please cooperate among yourselves to complete the tasks.

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I’ve be very up for this as well.

More B-L475E-IOT01A boards.




Upcoming Seminars:

This live, interactive, one-day seminar, hosted in multiple cities will
feature hands-on classes using the STM32CubeMX graphical software
configuration tool and the Keil MDK-ARM integrated development environment
(IDE) to generate and debug a range of IoT projects using the STM32L4
Discovery kit IoT node (B-L475E-IOT01A) with low-power wireless, BLE, NFC,
Sub-GHz, and Wi-Fi connectivity enabling you to explore your own innovative
IoT ideas.

All participants will receive a free STM32L4 Discovery kit IoT node.

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Hi Tim,
Thanks for the seminar link!
When does the Zephyr Project start?

Come one, come all.

I will bring the boards for the Zephyr Project this Saturday at 15:00.

Hi Tim and other Zephyrers,
Do you plan to attend the Seattle GNU/Linux conference this weekend (Oct 6-7th, Fri-Sat)?

I might come to this actually, but just thinking about what to do about a 64bit linux system.

Sorry - just realized this is this weekend. Can’t make it. Thanks for organizing Tim.

If you can’t make it, not all hope is lost.

If the other people agree that you should in the group, you are in.

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Thanks Tim!

Sorry - my Linux machine has a meltdown. You’ll have to count me out for today.