Embroidery Machine Workshop signup

Hi! I did a bunch of experiments with Ink/Stitch and our embroidery machine, and I finally got around to writing it all up. I’ve posted it in the form of an Instructable

I now feel comfortable offering a workshop in which participants will design a simple patch and then embroider it on the machine.

I will only take 1-2 people at a time, and you should bring a laptop if you have one.

The first couple of people will be free since I’m not entirely sure how long it will take.

My schedule is pretty open right now, but here’s a few dates/times as suggestions. If they don’t work for you please suggest something that does.

  • Friday, October 4, 2pm
    ** Adheesh
    ** Cory
  • Friday, October 4, 5pm
    ** Lucie (@rooshi)
    ** Brad
  • Sunday, October 6, 2pm
    ** @dbynoe
    ** @3bien
  • Thursday, October 10, 2pm
    ** Janet
    ** Leslie
  • Thursday, October 17, 2pm
    ** Omid

Yay this is amazing!!! Thank you thank you :pray:t3:
Friday at 5pm for me pleeease.

Could I come at 2pm on the 6th? Thanks for running these!

Thanks Liz for organizing these! I have been meaning to play with the embroidery machine but a workshop sounds amazing! I’d love to do 2pm on Friday, October 04.

Amazing! I’d love to get started on this machine! I can do oct 4th (either time) or oct 6th at 2pm :+1::+1::+1:

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woot - this is amazing thanks Liz. I can do thursday oct 10th.

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Me please! I’ll take any dates after this weekend. So 8th onwards?

made a thing!

thanks @elizabot for the awesome workshop!


I would love to attend. Can I be #2 on this Sunday’s 2pm session?

I too made a thing! Thanks for running this workshop @elizabot ! I’ve been wanting to try out the embroidery machine for ages now!


These all look so great!

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So happy the embroidery machine is getting so much use <3 Makes me happy I brought it in and people are learning stuff on it to have fun and make many good things <3


Yes you can!

Thabbks @elizabot for an awesome workshop!
So many possibilities!