Electrician Friend of VHS needs some help

As you are probably aware, we had a major electrical improvement this past week. 2 electricians spent 7-8 hours adding 220 &110 outlets around the space.

One of the electricians is pretty old school and doesn’t have a website. He doesn’t even have business cards.

I can help him set up with hosting, finding a domain and adding email but i am pretty rusty when it comes to building even a simple website. My graphic skills are OK and I can design a logo and business card but I am sure there are others in the VHS community who are even better.

He hasn’t asked for any of this. He isn’t and wasn’t expecting anything but a thank you from VHS but Iqbal (the other electrician) asked me to come up with a business card, some simple letterhead that can be used as an invoice and maybe a website for him.

Anyone want to be awesome and help out a really awesome friend of VHS? I can’t imagine this taking very much time, any offers of help would be greatly appreciated.



I heartily encourage this idea! I would participate, but my design skills are… comedic… at best. An ahead-of-time ++ to whoever helps with this!