Does any one know what this PCB (looks like High Voltage Power Supply) is for? Location: Laser Cutter Enclosure

Does any one know what this PCB (looks like High Voltage Power Supply) is for? Location: underneath Laser Cutter (in the enclosure).


Pictures follow:

iirc, it was some part of the laser cooling system or something?
it was excised from the assembly during the great laser outage earlier

This guy?

This was the original High Voltage power supply module for our laser cutter. Probably dead, kept for parts. We have another working unit (the one I worked on) being kept as a spare. The PS currently in use, was purchased during our last major laser failure, before we realized the laser tube was dead.

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Thank you @DerrickA4mag, @Jarrett & Mimi!

Is this good to hack? Fabricating a transformer to the high voltage ratings is the MAJOR job, the Power Electronics & Control Loop not too bad a task.

Best Regards,

Things in the laser cutter enclosure need to stay in the enclosure they are there for spare parts and reference for if problems arise with the laser cutter. This storage space is not to be looted for parts. Parts may be made available pending a review from the laser cutter committee.


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