I have enjoyed this thoroughly every year. Its a great event to give you an excuse to go places you normally wouldn’t try.
I recommend (MUST TRY!)
- EAST IS EAST, CHAI LOUNGE - MAIN ST East is East, Chai Lounge - Main Street
- PIDGIN Pidgin
These are good too
- EDIBLE CANADA AT THE MARKET http://www.dineoutvancouver.com/listings/index.cfm?action=display&listingID=32918&menuID=1042&hit=1
- GYU KING TEPPANYAKI http://www.dineoutvancouver.com/listings/index.cfm?action=display&listingID=37368&menuID=1042&hit=1
- KOBE JAPANESE STEAK HOUSE Kobe Japanese Steak House
- THE OBSERVATORY - GROUSE MOUNTAIN RESORTS The Observatory, Grouse Mountain Resorts
I am looking forward to trying these ones out. (note they are all single word restaurant names, I don’t know why… )
- SALT http://www.dineoutvancouver.com/listings/index.cfm?action=display&listingID=20032&menuID=1042&hit=1
- FORAGE Forage
- FISHWORKS http://www.dineoutvancouver.com/listings/index.cfm?action=display&listingID=20812&menuID=1042&hit=1
- WILDTALE http://www.dineoutvancouver.com/listings/index.cfm?action=display&listingID=40847&menuID=1042&hit=1
- BLACK + BLUE Black + Blue
Anything else I should checkout ?