Culture Crawl 2024 Planning

We are a few weeks away from Culture Crawl. We will be organizing a planning session to start working on the fine details that are needed to keep track of what needs to be done and how people can help out.

For those newer members Culture Crawl is one of the biggest open house nights VHS will organize around. During November 14-17th access to some of the tools will be pretty limited as we host over 4400 people coming through the space. Several of your fellow VHS members will be showing off some of their art projects so even if you aren’t planning on signing up as an artist or volunteering come by and say Hi during these days.

Culture Crawl Planning
Wednesday, October 16 · 7:00 – 8:00pm
Time zone: America/Vancouver
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:

New Artists Questions

Where is everyone Setting up their displays

Culture Crawl Volunteers

  • Social Media Guru - someone to manage the VHS account over the 4 days of culture crawl
  • VHS Table - a specific desk setup to answer questions about VHS and help people register for
  • Cleanup Crew Pre and Post
  • Grocery Runner
  • Get New Sandwich Boards made.
  • Just come be a Visitor

Marketing Options for the space and for members?

  • Sharing art assets
  • Share Social Media Posts

Do we need items?

  • Display Stands, Tables, tents?
  • VHS brochures?
  • Giveaways?