Covid policy up date reminder

Just a reminder that we have new Covid protocols in place

  • masks are mandatory, n95+ strongly suggested
  • 10 person capacity,
  • please keep up with social distancing , one bubble per area.
  • If you test positive for Covid please contact the directors at all correspondence will be held in confidence.
  • If you are feeling sick. please stay at home and take care of yourself.
  • Don’t forget to book your time and sign in with the QR code at the front door.

Booking system:

Thank you. With all our help we can continue to keep everyone healthy and continue to enjoy access to the space.

full policy can be found here


Just bumping this as a reminder. Keep on being awesome VHS.


Sorry,I’m a bit late with this. The “one bubble per area” rule is not clear to me. I understand that “bubble” is defined according to BC’s definition, but what constitutes an “area”?

Is the wood shop one area, for example?

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I asked the same question - here is Jim’s reply


Hey thanks Phillip. So laser cutter is one area, but wood shop is multiple. Got it. So no laser cutter trainings for now :frowning:

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