Comprehensive Soldering Kit


I’m from EIM Technology, a BC-based education technology provider. Our new product, SparkTip, is a comprehensive soldering solution with soldering iron, exhaust fan, illustrative tutorial book, and a set of beginner friendly projects. It will be available on Kickstarter from next Monday!

I encourage you to check it out and follow our prelaunch page! Afterwards, we will be happy to donate some units to the Makerspace if they will be used.

Info Video:

Campaign link:


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Interesting item, for sure.

I have a Miniware TS-80P and swear by the thing. I like that I can run it off a battery bank.

Why should I stop carrying my TS-80 and start carrying a SparkTip?

Perhaps you could consider alternate names. I usually don’t want sparks around things that I’m soldering…

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Hey Dave thanks for that offer. It would be great to try one at the hackspace. Most of our existing units are hakko clones and weller stations. They’re great but pretty bulky.

Good luck with your Kickstarter!

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