We’ve had a request from Makers Making Change to print the following for a grade 12 student in Prince Rupert. Would anyone be able to help out with part or all of this request?
The requestor likes bright pink and purple colours or white if at all possible. I have also found a donor of free shipping so if we can find some suitable filament at the space, this project will be free for the recipient which is fantastic.
The first attempt at the key turner failed. It lifted of the platform, right after taking the picture. Since my printer doesn’t have a heated enclosure, platform adhesion due to shrinkage as the material cools down is the main problem I tend to run into with ABS.
The second try worked out, so we got the first key turner. During the fan off did the trick.
We’ll see how the rest goes. I keep you posted. I’m pretty sure these would be strong enough in PLA, but if we can make it work with ABS, all the better.
Awesome thanks so much. I just picked up a roll of purple so I’ll give the bottle opener a try this week. It’s been my goal to try abs for a while so it’s good learning for me. I’m going to give it a go in the VHS printer in the enclosure.
I have purple abs! I must defeat this material (as I’d ultimately like to print some stuff that will survive my cats). Good to know tho if things go south we can pla some stuff.
Edit: we also just got two rolls of pla donated as well (red and black)…thanks MMC! So if any PLA is needed that’s an option. At home here I have industrial yellow, black, and tough gray pla. I haven’t quite mastered the tough gray yet…it tends to print chunky.
The three key turners are printed. I also managed to get the bag carrier printed. All in white ABS. That bag carrier was a close call, it had almost completely separated from the build platform. I’ll try the bottle opener tomorrow.
The key turners took about an hour each, good choice to gain some experience with ABS. The bag carrier was a 10 hour print though (40% infill takes time).
Thanks so much for using up your ABS filament for this project and babysitting this huge print job!!! How can we repay you? We have several rolls of PLA at the space that just arrived from MMC (a nice orange red and a black) if you fancy printing something for yourself with them? I am also happy to shoot you some cash to cover the cost of filament!
(note: usually the requestor covers filament cost and shipping, but in this case I’d planned to use spare space filament and I have a shipping donor.)
That is just completely amazing - thank you so very much for donating that!! It really is a great purpose! I know the17-year old requestor will be thrilled to have these devices and is planning on using them during her last year of high school and at university/college.
I’d also love to use that photo in a social media post if that’s okay? I’ll pm you about that.
I hope these things will work well for them. Does MMC has some way to get feedback for improvements? I have my doubts about the spacing of those finger grooves in the bag carrier.
Feel free to use the picture (sorry for the subpar quality).
I can definitely ask her to let us know how the devices are working for her. I’m sure @chadleaman will also respond about the MMC development process and the best way we could help out with design improvements.
I printed the bottle opener yesterday (also white ABS). We got the complete order together. Having some more colorful options would be great, of course
Do you already know when you plan to be at VHS? I could drop them off, and if you have time, maybe you could give me a tour? I haven’t been there since the move.
Hey Stefan! Thank you so much - that is really wonderful.
Printing that whole order is a huge help. I’ll actually be at the space tonight if that works for you? I should be there from 6:30 to 10 doing some printing. Would love to give you a tour. I think you’ll find the place has spruced up a lot since the move-in.