C19 initiatives need help ! all levels of experience needed

Hi all,
I am a long time member of the hackerspace and have worked on a number of projects with people there including Mimi (not c19 related, automation and equipment, etc).
In building biotech companies and having experience with molecular diagnostics/neuropharmacology I have been well positioned to make advances with C19.
My group seems to have found the mechanism of fatality and treatments, research paper here:

We are working on a number of initiatives like real antibody testing that works, treatments, monitoring while preserving privacy, data analysis, etc.

My group is 30+ people mostly doctors and community leaders and growing rapidly, could use all the help we can get.

Relevant initiatives:

NLP/algorithmic processing of C19 datasets focusing on recovery group chats - in recovery groups there are people 30yo that have had evolving symptoms for months, all stemming from neurological issues which my group discovered the mechanisms of. Processing this down into simple graphs could be critical for global health. Dataset below:

Secure, data integrity guaranteed Wiki for rapid “peer review” and data sharing - my research paper has been rejected from multiple journals, even when the editors asked me to publish there, this is all very political and some information not being promoted on the news because it may cause mass panic. My friend Patrick Kroupa set up a hardened Wiki server for this purpose attached to MindVox, one of the hacker groups responsible for starting the internet commercially. We have all the data and research but could use help with organizing, implementing blockchain data integrity, promoting, sharing, etc.

Swan Health recovery group - we have found natural products which act on kv1.3 channels and other mechanisms which seem to be the killswitch for C19 neurological issues. We have helped almost 100 people terminate their neurological symptoms and have organized a slack. It has recently been shadow banned and nobody can join via invite link. We are setting up a private mattersmost server for this reason and will promote the group organically so the people that fully recovered can help others. Could use help with IT, organization, facebook ads promotion of real symptoms and scientific data, marketing, etc. This is not a commercial initiative but we would like to be able to pay the bills through donations etc and could use help setting up a streamlined infrastructure.

Mimi has been following my work from the early days and can validate that we are crazy but not delusional.

Please email me, post here if interested, etc. I am currently stuck in Brisbane, Australia but very engaged.

Email: Nikita.K.Alexandrov@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +1 604 499 9221

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