Following up on Someone Should: Create QR codes for equipment
As I was doing some security updates on the (repo) software, I got a sudden itch to get something, or rather some things, off of my (mental) backlog.
Because we use dokuwiki and it’s running under the main website, as well as a redirection system from to the actual wiki URL, I figured that I’d finally implement page redirection from to the wiki. And while I had already previously added QR code generation to, I remembered that @mikepkes had also made a QR code generator that looked a little bit nicer.
Ended up spending a few hours yesterday to implement that.
So, how does this work?
The Tinkerine Ditto Pro has a wiki page:
The page id being: tool:dittopro will automatically redirect you to the relevant page.
And (notice the /qr at the end) will then take you to a page that will show you @mikepkes’s nicely formatted design:
Source is at GitHub - vhs/wiki-redirector: Wiki Redirector (with QR code generator)