Appreciation time: Thank you to all the painters and fixer-uppers and flyer posters and everybody who has helped make the Hackspace what it is today

Hi Everybody,

I’d like to take a minute to thank everybody who has put their time and effort into getting the hackspace into great shape. I was very proud to show it off to the public this weekend, and I hope you all were too.

Thank you to the painters and fixers and tidiers; Tristan, Sage, La, Leslie, Frederica, La’s Jonathan, Mark, Ignacio, Smunky, Zach, Amanda, OtherBarry… I know there are other names, and I am so so sorry for not writing them down at the time because right now my brain is mush, but please pm me and I’ll add you to the list… don’t try and be humble on me, it’s important that people see how many people it took to make this possible.

Thanks to everybody who posted flyers in their schools, workplaces, suppliers and hang-outs.

Thank you to everyone who was involved in planning SHHH42, particularly La, Rob, Mimi, Original Janet and Luke; again, I’m sure I’ve missed people here because I wasn’t very involved with this end of things… PM me, because it’s important that your name be seen here.

Thanks to everybody who was involved in our Makerfaire presence, particularly Mimi, who did the lion’s share of the lifting on that one.

Thank you also to Everybody who’s stepped up to be a board member or champion or committee member for an area, everybody who was on the space search committee, John Craver and his continuing work on getting the building electrical redone… These are the efforts that built this space, these are the efforts that keep this space going for all of us.

Rock on, everyone, and thank you all for being awesome.


I believe I speak for all of us when I say,

“No u”



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