We certainly don’t need more crap we don’t own. There are already several space wasters at the space that people assure us are not space wasters.
@freeborn: I would love to have it at the space and I’ll take responsibility for it.
Considering we have a flat fee for every requirement that @iMakeRobots put up, and I just nullified the rest, just send either @DeNomad or myself a message to get things under way.
Do we have any concrete beams we can bolt it down to?
I have a lot to learn - I remember as a young army recruit wasting a morning at a quarter-masters store for a long weight (wait!) and being told that it was still being weighed on the sky-hook?
I want to sound positive. Here are a few options for anyone’s new things at VHS:
- become a member, put your name on it, and maintain it yourself
- give it permanently to active member(s) who will label it as theirs and do what they like with it.
- donate it to VHS, where it will start life in the 3 week bin and maybe end up as a #1.
Maple Leaf Storage will be happy to consider all loan requests.
Ty +1 for stepping forward and making good things happen
for just about everyone else -1
The best way to work around any issues with anything new is to look at it constructively. I appreciate due diligence in liability and questions, so let’s find solutions to any issues rather than only pointing out problems (Politics aside… I’m sure that wasn’t the intention, but it is the optics of it). If we only look at these things as liabilities (things being free cool stuff) then we’ll never get anything awesome around VHS. Let’s be positive on the front end of these ideas and figure out the complications on the back.
- Liability Any liabilities can be overcome with a simple written agreement. All it takes is asking in writing. Any other risk issues @TyIsI and I can figure out.
- Where That can be figured out. Just like everything else at VHS I’m sure it will find a suitable home.
- Who @TyIsI and I have agreed to take care and maintain it as needed.
If for any reason it doesn’t make a suitable home I can return it to @freeborn.
Thanks for the offer @freeborn - it’s really awesome. IF you’re still willing to do this I’d love to make it happen.
So you get one positive response and you think it is ok to do it and one negative response and it’s all over? It’s important to realise vhs is a consensus organisation by definition, neither @DeNomad nor I speak for the organisation. We group together to pay rent on a space to create a community. What goes into that space to a great extent defines what the community can do. It’s important we consider things like this carefully. The discouragement of open debate makes me cautious. At the minimum placing a unit at vhs can look like product endorsement, what are we endorsing?
VHS was a doacracy. Im not going to stand around and paint your bike shed.
Its a raspberry pi, a nexus 7, and bill acceptor…
I think implying that bitcoin is going to invite stress or crime into the space is a silly notion that I do not have time for. I do not live in BC anymore, otherwise I would of done it my damn self. Thank you.
VHS still is a do-ocracy, but that doesn’t mean we can’t discuss what we might or might not want to do. Filling the space with more toys is easier than finding a place to put them all, as has been mentioned already in this thread.
Also, I don’t know if a bitcoin ATM would invite more crime than e.g. the theft of tools that we’ve previously experienced, but as you’ve already clarified that you were proposing to loan the machine to the space, I’m quite comfortable voting for “thanks, but no thanks” for your well intended offer. I don’t want to feel that VHS is on the hook if someone does decide to take a crowbar to your $1000 device to see if it has any cash in it.
But thanks again for the original offer, and apologies that we didn’t express that a bit more directly before we started discussing possible issues.
Do we have a real problem with theft? Consumables don’t count because they
are consumed.
If we do then how much money has been stolen from the cash box?
Bruce if we have a problem with theft, key holders can put a stop to it.
See the inventory thread.
I think that if we have a situation where someone would be able to put a crowbar to it, we have a bigger problem to begin with.
You must be referring to a different “space inventory” thread. I see
nothing about theft there. Can you post a link to the thread you are
referring to.,
Exactly. Have there been situations where people were found stealing member dues or from the donatio???
I think walking away with or not putting a work bench tool back is a little different.
I guess if someone was stealing Makerbots…
I see a lot of “non-issue” type of issues (not naming them outright…). Again, i’d agree it’s healthy to discuss and important to ask these questions (within reason). Just maybe in a different manner and the end goal in mind that we want to foster projects and ideas, not shoot them down or hinder them.
There are a lot of members who want to add value to VHS - but if we’re taking them out on negativity, red tape, politics/ego, we lose that opportunity, possibly lose the member, and off-putting a lot of other members.
Just to bring it to example, a project like this is very low/no risk, liabilities can easily be mitigated, and it likely adds value to the space and our members. If for any reason that became not the case, it’s easy to evaluate down the road and change it.
If it wasn’t for a lot of members reaching out with opportunities like this, I’m guessing VHS wouldn’t have most of the stuff it does…?
My mistake, it was on slack this morning, not here on Talk.
Way back when I worked in a steel foundry, the journeymen would send out
the new guy to grab a couple of “skyhooks” which of course they never found
but spent many hours looking for because as an apprentice or a journeyman
helper they knew ALL the tools that would be required for the job and were
too embarrassed to ask more detail…
In the Air Force the new guys were sent for a yard of flight line and a gallon of jet wash to similar effect. But we’re digressing Maybe a thread on noob hazing on the job could be fun
I don’t know if anyone’s stolen anything from Donatio. Presumably we’d need Noisebridge-style monitoring to have much chance of finding out, and I’d rather lose the money than deal with the camera issue again. We certainly have had tool thefts, but not so many as I might expect given how open we are. Some of that is just a cost of running a hackerspace.
@DeNomad’s right; there’s no point getting in the way of a good project because of all that, we’d never get anywhere.
I’m curious how that would work?
I guess they could choose not to open the space?