I’m personally interested in going to visit the TRIUMF facilities and get a tour. They do tours every Wednesday and Friday at 1pm during this time of the year. They accept drop-ins for their tours so it can be pretty casual but we can request a tour as a group of 6 or more possibly to get a more convenient timing for us working members.
I’m looking to gauge interested if we have more than 6 total I’ll contact them to setup a tour time. They need a 1 month lead time for the group tours.
If there are less than 6 of us I’m tentatively planning either this Friday at 1pm or next Friday (Feb 27th). Let me know if you’re interested!
I sent an email to the tour coordinator at TRIUMF inquiring about timeslots. In the meantime I’ve setup a Doodle to get the ball rolling on us agreeing on some dates.