VHS Equipment Review - Robot Arm

The broken robot arm in the corner has been lying there for a while. There doesn’t appear to be any active effort into fixing it.

I think it may be time for it to go. Even if a member fixed it, I can’t see it ever being anything other than a cool thing to look at.

What say you all?

Here’s some background about how we got it and what needs to be done to get it operational.

  • Keep
  • Toss
0 voters

Keep it, but give it a one year parking ticket.



The robot arm has been at VHS since Aug 2015.

Attempts at repair have been made, but to the best of my knowledge have not been successful.

I understand the emotional attachment to it, but I don’t understand how extending its stay at VHS by another 12 months will change things.

Please consider retiring it.

This is one of the items that, when it was more prominently displayed, gathered a lot of attention for new members. I’m not trying to be someone to be attached to unused things in the space, but I would actually say keep this and take it out of the corner. Can we have it hold our waiver sheet?

I’d be concerned with actually getting it running in our current space, I don’t see how we could run it with enough space as it stands; though I’d love to see it able to run (maybe we just clear things out of the way when working with it.

On the other hand, it does suck when a new member asks ‘does it work?’ and it does take a fair bit of space.

Not really trying to argue one way or another, but adding my observation regarding new visitors to the conversation.


I vote keep. One year parking ticket also sounds reasonable.

It works! I posted as much in the original Killbot thread. I hooked it up to the internet and it runs something called Advanced Control Language.

Needs some TLC to repair some connectors in the body, but that only affects homing.


Absolutely keep.


Definitely keep!

Added a poll.

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